Life Balance with Circadian Balance

Our thoughts and motions meander through the days and weeks and we fill each period of time with amazing memories.

Some good, some bad, some easy, while others can be difficult, but we make it through, and we always aim to help those around us. We’re constantly moving, trying to make the right decision, capture those beautiful moments and keep it all going in a fluid forward motion. It certainly is challenging and we couldn’t possibly do it all without some help from each other as well as help from within our own selves. Maintaining that balance between, heart and mind, work and pleasure, family and friends can be a challenge, but it is essential to a healthy lifestyle.

Our bodies are governed by our circadian rhythms which sync our internal and external balance of energy, mind, heart and beyond… We all fall out of this balance at some point during the year, if not several times due to illness, lack of health or sleep, stress and other obstacles that can easily knock us out of our natural rhythm. This is ok. It happens to the best of us and as long as we are aware, we can find that harmony once again. This does however require a mindful and honest approach. One person’s idea of balance may not be the same as another’s and we may sometimes need help achieving this balance we so look forward to attain.

The natural powers of a scent have been known to restore balance to the body, mind and soul. And according to ayurveda, blending scents correlating with the seasons brings higher benefits than would a single scent at any given time of the year. Thus enters our love affair with blending for the seasons and finding an aroma to aid with balancing through the transitions of our daily lives.


Order ~ Harmony ~ Support ~ Balance

Helping you achieve and maintain optimal adrenal support, hormonal support and immune function was our goal for this do-it-all aromatic tonic. MAHALO founder Maryna, had a specific purpose for this blend in restoring balance at any given time or place in your daily life.

This blend has been my go-to personal treatment during meditation and to support long work hours, travel, emotional exhaustion, and stress. I use The CIRCADIAN BALANCE throughout the day to help trigger the pineal gland to naturally balance the production of stress hormone cortisol to serve as a back door to balancing the endocrine health.

We’ve all just gone through these big transitions in the past month, being shaken up a bit, getting off balance and needing to restore our natural rhythm. I’ve been doing this with The CIRCADIAN BALANCE tonic. Taking a deep breath where I can and inhaling nature’s gift to us.

I wanted to share this gift and included it in our WINTER GRACE home-spa collection in 2017. The positive feedback has been so overwhelming that I just couldn’t say no to sharing this wonderful scent with everyone.

Aromatherapy and hormones have had a lifelong love affair and there is no end in sight. Finding hormonal balance is just as important as sleep in our daily lives. As part of our endocrine system, our hormones govern our glands, organs and influence our body’s everyday functions so you can understand now how important balancing your hormones truly is. It’s not just your behavior and moods, it really is your entire body from head to toes that will benefit.

There are endless benefits to aromatherapy such as:
* Balanced hormones
* Detox
* Muscle and joint stimulation
* Stress relief
* Immune Boosting

MAHALO’s goal in every product we create is to allow you to feel empowered, revived, refreshed, clear and balanced. That is our ultimate goal for you with this scent.

Travel ease, jet lag recovery, stress relief, seasonal colds, energy boost, mental clarity, balance sleep and to calm anxiety.

The CIRCADIAN BALANCE immune boosting aromatic tonic is now available in limited quantities. Go here to bring it home.

Life poems~
There is balance waiting for you, alongside the flow of water, in the gentle wind breeze and the thoughts of your mind. If you wait patiently, balance will present itself, shedding old energy and creating new. Through disruption there will come balance for you.



peruse: MAHALO Journal

notes on: inspired, artful, healthy and vibrant living. Tid-bits on wellness, skin care and beyond from MAHALO and people we love