Hemp oil is produced by gentle cold press extraction from the specialized varietals of the hemp plant of the Cannabis genus.
The plants used for the extractions are specifically cultivated to have the insignificant amounts of the psychoactive substances associated with the genus, most notably the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The produced hemp oil that is used for skin care has NO psychoactive properties.
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The best hemp oil is produced from the seeds (although the whole plant can be pressed for oil). Hemp seed oil has been dubbed “Nature’s most perfectly balanced oil“, due to the fact that it contains all of the 21 known amino acids and offers the perfectly balanced 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 (Linoleic) to Omega 3 (alpha-Linolenic) essential fatty acids, determined to be the optimum requirement for a healthy skin. The essential fatty acids combination found in the hemp seed oil is indeed one-of-a-kind among seed-based oils. (Don’t know what Omega fatty acids are and why they are important? – read here). In addition, hemp seed oil is also rich in “super” polyunsaturated fatty acids in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), oleic acid and stearidonic acid – which help reduce the symptoms of atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions. And if that was not enough, hemp seed oil also provides an adequate supply of antioxidants (Vitamin E), carotene (precursor to Vitamin A), phytosterols, phospholipids and a number of minerals including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, along with modest amounts of iron and zinc.
According to a 2005 study published in “Journal of Dermatological Treatment”, hemp seed oil helps alleviate dermatitis, and inflammation of the skin. This is due to the balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. During a study, the symptoms of skin dryness and itching significantly improved in dermatitis sufferers after using hemp seed oil for 20 weeks.
The process of extraction of hemp seed oil by cold press is ensuring that all the above mentioned goodness of Omegas, minerals and antioxidants remain intact, yielding an unrefined oil that is golden yellow with a nutty aroma. Hemp seed oil used in MAHALO Skin Care is carefully produced under strict governmental regulations to ensure highest quality, has not been run through filters or chemical processes, and is free of THC, guaranteed to contain < 0.03% THC (originating from leaf matter).
Having said the above, how does it all translate to you and what does it do for your skin. Seeing that hemp seed oil is bolstering high amounts of essential fatty acids, it is considered one of the most useful natural ingredients for the skin due to its ability to provide essential fatty acids that our bodies do not manufacture on our own. Hemp seed oil can prevent moisture loss in the skin and help prevent premature aging, and is effective in maintaining moisture balance. It can also be useful in alleviating certain skin conditions such as eczema, acne and psoriasis.
Benefits of Hemp seed oil, in short:
• Non comedogenic (will not cause blocked pores), easily penetrating and highly emolient
• Does NOT contain psychoactive substances (tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)) associated with Cannabis / marijuana
• Contains all 21 amino acids and one of the highest Omega 6 and 3 essential (not naturally produced by our body) fatty acids which are key components for maintaining healthy skin
• The Linoleic (62% composition) and alpa-Linolenic acids deliver potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties for treatment of acne, dermatitis and other skin inflammatory conditions etc
• Studies indicate that hemp seed oil can dramatically decrease skin dryness to alleviate itching and irritation
• Helps to improve water resistance by protective the skin from reverse osmosis effects of water which causes skin to lose its nutrients
• Has anti-aging effects on skin by improving the composition of epidural lipids (fats in the outermost skin layer) and improve the overall functioning of skin
After testing numerous hemp seed oil manufacturers and experiencing the above mentioned benefits of the oil first hand, MAHALO Skin Care has chosen to highlight the hemp seed oil as our first ingredient in our Rare Indigo beauty balm.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that Hemp will replace the now closing Sugar Cane industry on Maui! How wonderful would that be to source organic hemp from the islands?!